Thursday, February 9, 2012

Double Exposures

I have always found double exposed images to always be very interesting to look at. Even if the two images are not very interesting on their own, them overlapping each other in a double exposure always seems to make a more intriguing picture. I have always wanted to experiment with double exposures, but have been unable to find a way to do it since both my digital and film cameras do not allow me to expose twice on the already exposed film. I sort of figured out a way to do it with my digital camera while I was experimenting with painting with light, but still felt limited since I had to shoot the pictures in the dark. Once we started working with the Holga this semester, I remembered that this camera allows you to take multiple pictures on the same fram. I have shot with the Holga before back in high school and remember taking one double exposure image of my friend (seen below). For our next project, I plan on experimenting with this concept and hopefully will have some interesting shots.

One photographer, Dan Mountford, is extremely talented with double exposures and his images is what  got me really interested in this idea in the first place. I don't really understand how he creates his images, but I find them stunning and intriguing. Here are some of my favorites of his.

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